October 09, 2011

50Cent live concert in Jakarta

berawal dari denger berita kalo 50cent bakalan ngadain konser dijakarta bulan oktober, kabar itu sendiri gw denger waktu masih bulan september .
gw langsung kalap, soalnya pasti gw ga bakalan bisa nonton... secara yah artis hip hop ternama gitu kalo konser pasti membutuhkan money yang ga sedikit, maklum gw juga masih pelajar hmm -___- (meskipun pada waktu itu gw belom tau pasti harga tiketnya berapa)
kegalauan gw makin menjadi-jadi #eaa pas gw tau harga tiket konsernya, untuk yang festival aja 800.000, front row 1.500.00, dan yang VIP 2.000.000 *pingsan duluan*

liat aja nih!!

gimana gw ga shock coba! harga tiketnya GAK NYANTAI ! tapi menurut gw wajar, untuk seorang 50cent harga tiket konsernya segitu hmm -___- meskipun gw rada ga rela sih zzzz 
oh man, dari mana gw punya money sebanyak itu dalam waktu 2 minggu ? >< soalnya waktu gw denger berita tentang 50cent konser di jakarta itu, 2 minggu sebelum konsernya .
gw bener-bener pengen banget nonton konsernya 50cent, lagian gw juga suka banget sama music hip hop dan kebetulan juga gw nge fans sama 50cent .
kegalauan terus berlanjut #eaa sumpah ga bohong gw galau kalo ga bisa nonton tu konser . sampe akhirnya gw ngobrol sama temen gw di twitter tentang konser tersebut..
besoknya gw online twitter gw dapet mention dari orang yang ga gw kenal, pokonya isinya tentang kuis yang bisa dapetin tiket gratis nonton konsernya 50cent huahua
berhubung yang namanya gratisan ya kan *wink* yaudah gw baca deh tuh tutorial kuisnya...
nah disini nih berawal keisengan gw ikutan kuis konser itu huahua
berita yang gw dapet tentang itu kuis dari sini nih >>click here<<
gw mutusin utuk ikutan kuis yang part 2, secara gw perempuan jadi ga mungkin banget ikutan kuis yang part 1 yaitu ngikutin gayanya 50cent haha -,-
langsung deh tuh gw mengarang indah buat ngikutin kuis yang part 2, setelah gw kirim ke email admin nya .
dan diupload lah foto gw di facebook fan page nya hiphopheroes dot net
kaya gini nih penampakan foto karangan indah gw tentang knp gw suka 50cent hahaha

oke gak usah ketawa sama foto gw ckck
setelah diupload gw mulai mencari dukungan #eaa jadi pemenangnya itu di tentuin sama like terbanyak di foto nya .
saking sibuknya nyari like sana sini gw jadi lupa buat post minta bantuan di blog gw, biasanya kalo gw ikutan kontes gw selalu post di blog juga *oke abaikan*
nah deadline voting untuk kuis 50cent 2 itu sampe tanggal 6 oktober kemaren . DANNN!!! tanggal 7 nya itu diumumin gw menang apa ga, so far voting gw sih terbanyak #eaa *pamer dot com*
nah pas jam 12 lewat dikit si admin umumin kalo gw PEMENANGNYA!!! huahua *joget joget shuffle*

ini nih pengumumannya :D
pengumuman di facebook
pengumuman di twitter

sumpah gw senengnya bukan main!! #eaaa
ucapan 'congratulation' pun mengalir deras di facebook gw sama twitter *gaya lu tys, berasa menang 1 milyar* haha -,-
gw bener-bener exited banget buat nonton konsernya 50cent, akhirnya man my dreams will be come true ;)
and the day is comin' 8th october 2011 :D
sempet galau karna ga ada yang nganterin gw ke epicentrum walk ><"
gak mungkin banget kesempatan yang langka ini gw sia-siain gitu aja!! *sayang banget mamen*
udah mohon-mohon sama kaka gw tapi dia gamau nganterin, tapi beruntungnya dia mau jemput gw .
yaudah deh tuh gw paksain berangkat sendirian naik bussway, bener-bener ga peduli gw (padahal gw gatau jalan, ga boong deh)
gw takut nyasar -____- dan kemaren itu bener-bener pertama kalinya gw keluar jalan-jalan jauh sendirian *YEEEEE* (?)
sampe dilokasi, gw belom megang tiket konsernya *menggalau lagi*
nungguin kaka admin hiphopheroes dot net nya soalnya, and finally i met him up and he gave me the ticket!! YES THE TICKET!!! YEAHHH
dapet tiketnya tuh rasanya bagaikan, terjun dari langit naik ke rasi bintang.... *stop stop ntar dibilang ngikutin iklan haha*
SO MY DREAMS WILL BE COME TRUE MAN!! seeing 50cent fereal!! hell yeah! \m/

dan ini dia nih tiketnya huauha (sayang banget blur ==")

TKP, front view location nya :D

konser pun mulai #eaa
opening act by DJ Cream and friends :D

setelah nungguin opening act nya nyanyi-nyanyi dan AKHIRNYAAA!!!

liat kan jacket yang dipake 50cent ? waktu baru perform lagu pertama dia ngelempar jacketnya itu ke arah gw! KE ARAH GW!! tapi cowo dibelakang gw sama bule yang berdiri samping gw berebutan sampe gw kedorong-dorong sampe jatoh -___- sial banget emang ><
dan pemenang berebutan jacket jatuh kepada bule ganteng yang berdiri disamping gw zzz selamat deh yak -,-
*oke cukup curhat tentang jacket nya*

so i have another 50cent concert picture, check this out bellow guys! ;)

his concert was TOTALLY FUCKING AMAZING!!!
so thanks to god to give me this chance, to met up him fereal :D
im so fucking damn happy!!!! XD
thanks to hiphopheroes dot net too who gave me the free ticket! ayee!!
last night i feel like dying in da club during his concert, accompanied his song feels great! so lucky my friends is not there with me so they didn't saw how crazy iam last night !
keep dancing around, enjoy the concert huahaha seriously like in da club ;)

50cent is very a nice guy, he also ask a kiddo to be on the stage, check picture bellow !! how lucky he can be on stage with 50cent, and 50cent also exchange his snapback to that kid snapback huhu so envy :(

so yeah, i'll keep this piece of ticket save the rest of my life lol

i think thats enough for my story bout 50cent concert .
this's very unforgettable moment :)
once again thanks to all my friends because of em, my dreams won't be come true . its seeing 50cent fereal man ;)
akhirnya mimpi yang tadinya sekedar mimpi pun menjadi nyata hihi :D
bener-bener ga nyangka *nangis terharu* #eaa :')

October 06, 2011

Lenka live concert in Jakarta

Lenka live performing in Jakarta wednesday 5 october 2011
it was a very great show!! so thanks to god because i get a free ticket from the concert promotor (MP Enter)
thats why i can watch her show huahaha
thanksomuch for leting me watch her show :DDD
her concert was at Skeenoo Hall, Gandaria City South Jakarta

lets see i was there haha im so ugleh -___-

heres the ticket baby!

opening guest lenka concert by raisa

lenka is comin'

her concert was totally AMAZING!

im so speechless when i get email from the promotor that i get a free ticket,
im actually get that ticket because i was join a quiz from channel [v] which they'll give away free lenka ticket concert if answering some question .
im not really obvious to get her ticket concert actually but this's my lucky time hihi
all of my friend just can say 'im envy with you tysa' haha sorry guys :P
even i don't really know who's her *real talk baby*
but at least i have some fun watch her show last night, although im alone watch her show -__-
okay thats all guys, im just wanna share my lucky story haha -,-
see ya with the next story about my life LOL :P

August 31, 2011

Happy Eid Al-Fitr

to all my muslim friends
Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1432 H
ramadhan is over, now its time to forgive our mistake and forget .
Happy Eid Al-Fitr all :)
hope we had a better life...
i just wanna say, so sorry for all my mistake that i have done before and please forgive me :)

and i wanna say thanks too to my Lord 'ALLAH' to let me once again feeling this great month with my lovely family, hoping next year we'll still together :)
makasih ya allah .

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432 H
Mohon Maaf, Lahir dan Batin :)
Sincerely Tysa & Family

August 18, 2011

Daddy's Birthday :)


hari ini tepatnya tanggal 18 agustus 2011, merupakan ulang tahun bokap..
bertambah satu tahun umur papa, terima kasih ya allah untuk selama ini aku masih bisa menikmati kebahagiaan bersama papa dan juga keluarga tercintaku :)
selamat ulang tahun ya papa, semoga sukses selalu, diberikan rezeki yang melimpah, selalu dalam lindungan-Nya dan semua-semuanya yang baik deh pokonya buat papa..
maaf kalau anak perempuanmu ini suka nakal haha
meskipun kadang-kadang papa juga suka nyebelin, kalau marah itu loh pah! sampe berkilo-kilo meterrrr -____- haha
tapi aku tau papa marah sama aku karna papa sayang sama aku :')
senengnya bisa bikin kejutan kecil-kecilan untuk papa... ini semua berkat ide dari mama :D
well, once again happy birthday daddy... wishing all the best for you 
much love from your daughter :D

here's daddy birthday cake

sista and bro also wishing daddy happy birthday :)
semua ambil posisi foto, sedihnya jadi juru foto gini nih ga kebagian difoto -___- jadi cuma bisa fotoin doang zzz
tiup lilinnya, tiup lilinnya :D

August 08, 2011

Latin American Culture Festival!!!

Budi Luhur University
"Latin American Culture Festival"

This Latin American Cultural Festival is a three day festival that will include a series of artistic, cultural, and educational talkshow events to be held at Budi Luhur University during the end of October 2011.
The events are free of charge and are open for public. More than 3000 students will be attending the event along with people from the general public interested in knowing more about Latin American culture.
The organizing of this event will be the responsibility of the Program of International Relations Studies, Faculty of Political and Social Science of Budi Luhur University.

Our Mission for organizing the Latin American Cultural Festival is:
• To celebrate the rich and diverse contributions of the people of Latin America in all the manifestations of social life in Indonesian society
• To promote Latin American cultural heritage in Indonesia
• To give a better understanding to the general public in Jakarta on the different aspects of Latin American culture

Come join with us guys! 
this coming soon festival is open for public and the important thing is FREE lol
place is in Budi Luhur University, South Jakarta
open for 3 days :)
don't forget to coming =)

contact us for more info

follow us on twitter >>click here<<
like our fan page on facebook >>click here<<

read more information about Latin American Culture Festival by visit our official blogs

May 05, 2011

about the photo contest^^

well ya guys, the photo contest was over on 21april... (just have time to share this one lol)
thanks so much to all of you who have voted for me...
btw i won the contest guys, but in the second place :(
so sad but im still thankfull of it, even i can't get the pink of lomo diana -__-
but i got three lomo disderi lens and colour filter  :DDD
i want to share with yall the camera that i get from the contest..  check the picture bellow !

here’s the camera

the lomo disderi 2 lens

lomo disderi 3 lens

and this's the last, lomo disderi 4 lens

about the colour filter i didn't take a picture of it..

and i wanna said thanks to instax shop too for the prize :]
if yall interesting about photography, yall can buy the camera like polaroid camera, lomo diana, lomo aquapix, ect at instax shop.. (indonesia only)
click here for instax shop page on facebook
or yall can follow instax shop twitter by click in here

PS: this's not a promotion from the shop!!

March 27, 2011

Please help me out guys!!

hey guys, im join a photo contest and i really need ur help to vote my picture...
this contest in on facebook, first step to help me out by clicking like in this page >> http://www.facebook.com/tokoinstax
and then open this link to click like on my picture  http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=159728254085110&set=a.159727920751810.33992.149662025091733   please spend a few minutes to click like in my picture .
this contest start on 15 march 2011 and will be over on 20 april 2011
one like means alot for me
thanks before, BIG love for you all